Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The clock is ticking...

As a reaction to POTUS giving the Repubs in Congress the middle finger over the proposed Paul Ryan 2012 budget, S&P downgraded the US debt outlook rating to 'negative'. You can debate whether these two events are related, but you have to leave coincidence out of the equation. The White House reaction...S&P's announcement is politically motivated. Since when has S&P been a political organization? The White House obfuscates and the press corp nods in agreement. Given these kinds of pronouncements from the press secretary, one can't help but wonder if BHO's administration is truly as incompetent as it appears. My guess is that despite all the public pronouncements and posturing, the WH is on the ropes with this one. BHO hits the campaign trail to talk about budget cutting instead of what he really wants to do: promise more bread and circuses to the hoi pilloi. That the party of government has been driven to this point is a true indication of how critical the situation really is. At this point, BHO is making an attempt to minimize the damage done by decades of Statist policies. The Dems are the party of government; our government is broke and appears totally incompetent or unwilling to deal with the debt crisis. Stay tuned...don't believe what is said in public by politicians...believe what actions are taken to deal with the situation.


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