Trump plays a mean fiddle
BHO finally released his birth certificate to the world and to the relief of the MSM. The inside Washington take is that Trump was the loser in this episode. Guess again...the real losers are the "in-the-tank" media propping up Obama. After all, wasn't it the Washington establishment Sunday talk show reporters that never missed an opportunity to hang the "birther" issue around the neck of any Republican guest. Then along comes Trump asking a simple question: "where is the certificate?". He spent three weeks bringing this issue up to anyone that would listen. Finally, the White House press secretary was asked about it openly. This wasn't a question designed to illicit a real answer; the reporters in that room could care less. No, it was a desperate plea to the administration to end this quickly, since Trump was winning the PR war of public perception. Obama can act as indignant as he wants, but the fact that he was speaking about it at all is proof that the polls on this weren't good for the White House. The MSM attempt to build a narrative leading into the 2012 election has backfired. In that regard, Trump has given the cowered GOP a gift; don't expect to hear any "birther" questions from a reporter anytime soon. The presidential debates will be "birther" question free as well. Trump beat the MSM at their own game by changing the narrative; he played them like a fiddle.
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