Friday, April 29, 2011

Shoe Bomb-er

A large percentage of Republicans are silently laughing and cheering Donald Trump's verbal assault on Obama and his open contempt for the Press. Think of it in terms of how the Left reacted to the Iraqi reporter throwing his shoes at then President Bush during a press conference. Admittedly, some on the Left weren't so silent about their glee over this event; MSNBC and CNN put the incident on a loop and ran it endlessly as a proxy for their contempt of George Bush. Imagine the righteous indignation on the Left if that had been Obama; now imagine the rapturous feelings generated within Conservatives at seeing Obama humiliated in like manner. Conservatives may play this dream scenario over and over again in their heads, but know it will never happen in reality. As a proxy for their true, slient feelings, Donald Trump symbolically throwing his shoes at Obama will have to suffice.


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